lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

How to make a dream catcher

Units 1, 2


  • Some feather
  • Some beads
  • Needle and thread
  • A bracelet or anything circle

First, we wind the thread around the ring. Secondly we wind the thread as shown in the picture:

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Unit 4: Human nutrition


The digestive system

Nutrition organs

Types of food

Healthy eating

Unit 4: Human beings


Brain and nerves

Senses challenge

Our senses

How hearing works

The central nervous system

Unit 4: Respiration, circulation and excretion


The human blood circulation system

The heart

The respiratory system

The breathing process

The human excretory system

Unit 4: Living organisms: the animal kingdom


What kind of animal?

Animals diet

Animal classification

Vertebrate animals

Unit 4: Animals


Animal characteristics



Reptiles and amphibians

Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

A typical insect

Unit 4: A healthy way of life


Health and growth

Food groups

Food groups (II)


Unit 4: Human nutrition

Vocabulary list:

Unit 4: Human beings

Vocabulary list:

Unit 4: Respiration, circulation and excretion

Vocabulary list:

Unit 4: Living organisms: The animal kingdom

Vocabulary list:

Unit 4: Animals


Unit 4: A healthy way of life

Vocabulary list:

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

'Leaving Old Texas' song

Units 3, 4

Banjo, Texas... Estamos en U.S.A.!
Famosa canción de Country de 1980 aún hoy día muy popular, que escuchamos en clase.